Power and Empire Links for More Information
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This print version has been auto-generated from https://www.globalissues.org/article/453/power-and-empire-links
For more information visit the following web sites:
- Deterring Democracy1. An online book by Noam Chomsky2.
- Institute for Economic Democracy3 and J.W. Smith, whose work looks back at centuries of "plunder by raid and plunder by trade" to detail how political, economic and military warfare have all been used for the same underlying objective; obtain, maintain or expand power. This site includes on-line books in full.
- Center for Defense Information4, an independent military monitor based in Washington D.C. run by retired military generals, admirals, colonels etc who present a very open and objective critique of the military policies of USA and the world. They have a TV series called American Defense Monitor which presents information on the military's effect on the political system, the economy, the environment, and society as a whole. They also look into foreign policy, international affairs, armed intervention, and nuclear and conventional weapons. They have some useful web material, including:
- The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research8 from Sweden provides many in-depth views and articles on many issues of today.
- The Peace Pledge Union9 provides many statistics on wars and conflicts as well as covering many issues related to wars and arms trade.
- Council for a Livable World10 is an arms control group committed to ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and eliminating wasteful military spending. They provide many useful reports, statistics and analysis on a variety of issues.
- Foreign Policy in Focus11 provides many articles that look at US foreign policy with a critical eye.
- The International Network on Disarmament and Globalization12 looks at the relationship between globalization and peace.
- Right-Web13 from the Interhemispheric Resource Center
looks at
the architecture of power that is changing our world
, looking at various organizations, thinktanks, and people to identify their agendas.
0 articles on “Power and Empire Links for More Information” and 1 related issue:
Foreign Policy — Projecting Power
Read “Foreign Policy — Projecting Power” to learn more.
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