News headlines in 2011, page 5
Collateral Damage from Fukushima Hits Europe
- Inter Press Service
Several leading European electricity providers and nuclear power plant constructors now count as part of the collateral damage caused by the tsunami that destroyed the Japanese nuclear power plant of Fukushima last March.
THAILAND: Land of Smiles - and Grimaces
- Inter Press Service
The ‘Land of Smiles’ attracts some 14 million tourists annually to its tranquil beaches and glistening temples. But to many Thais, their country is becoming one of grimaces, thanks to its draconian lese-majeste (LM) law.
SRI LANKA: Tsunami Demons Haunt the Coast
- Inter Press Service
Seven years after monster waves crashed into homes, hotels and vehicles on Sri Lanka’s coast, people in this island nation continue to be haunted by demons from the sea.
BRAZIL: Providing Alternatives for Small-Scale Tobacco Farmers
- Inter Press Service
The fall in world tobacco consumption, especially in industrialised nations, is a sign of the urgent need for producer countries like Brazil, China, India and the United States to offer their farmers alternatives to growing tobacco.
CUBA: Racism Debated in Parliament
- Inter Press Service
The Cuban parliament finally included the problem of racism, long a taboo issue in this country, in its debates this week. And the question is also on the agenda of the governing Communist Party's upcoming national conference.
U.S. Limits Mercury Pollution as Big Coal Retreats
- Inter Press Service
Environmental advocates praised a recent new rule limiting pollution of mercury and other air toxins announced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, one of several new air pollution standards set under the Barack Obama administration.
Cubans Hope for Migration Reform
- Inter Press Service
Whether or not they live in Cuba, whatever their political affiliation, most people consulted by IPS want changes to Cuban migration policy that include three key elements: freedom, rights and normalisation.
OP-ED: The Real I-Revolt Apps of the Arab Spring
- Inter Press Service
So here I am, an Arab journalist in Silicon Valley, where four out of every four people I meet believe Facebook invented the Arab Spring. Three more weeks here and I may start to hallucinate that Mark Zuckerberg was a Cairo-slums native named Hassouna El-Fatatri, who rotted in a Mubarak prison for advocating personal privacy rights.
U.S.: Despite Obesity Crisis, Govt Slow to Rein in Fast Food Industry
- Inter Press Service
When the fast food chain McDonald's decided to add oatmeal to its menu in January 2011, it literally sugar-coated the offering as a 'portable, affordable and balanced breakfast solution... to help make it easier and more inviting for our guests to eat more whole grains and fruits'.
VENEZUELA: Putting (Mothers') Faces to the Violence
- Inter Press Service
These women are not fashion models, nor are they advertising any product, yet their images look down on passersby from giant black-and-white posters in the Venezuelan capital. There are 52 of them, and they are all mothers who have lost one or more children to the criminal violence that is plaguing the country.