News headlines in June 2014

  1. Obama Proposes “Aggressive Deterrence” for Child Migrants

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Jun 30 (IPS) - Facing what some have dubbed a refugee crisis, President Barack Obama is asking for new powers that would significantly speed up the deportation process for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children recently arrived at the southern U.S. border.

  2. Looking to Africa’s LDCs to Learn How to Save the Lives of Millions of Mothers and their Babies

    - Inter Press Service

    JOHANNESBURG, Jun 30 (IPS) - Every year, three million newborn babies and almost 6.6 million children under five die globally, but if the rest of the world looked towards the examples of two of Africa's least-developed countries (LDCs), Rwanda and Ethiopia, they would perhaps be able to save these children.

  3. Ethnic Cleansing Goes Unpunished in the ‘Land of the Pure’

    - Inter Press Service

    KARACHI, Jun 30 (IPS) - It has been two years since he survived an attack on his life, but 24-year-old Quwat Haider, a member of Pakistan's minority Hazara community, still finds it hard to narrate the events that scarred him for life.

  4. Tiny Barbuda Grapples with Rising Seas

    - Inter Press Service

    CODRINGTON, Barbuda, Jun 30 (IPS) - The 1,800 residents of the tiny Caribbean island of Barbuda are learning to adapt as climate change proves to be a force to reckon with, disrupting not just the lives of the living but also the resting places of those who died centuries ago. 

  5. Syrian Kurds Have Their Own TV Against All Odds

    - Inter Press Service

    QAMISHLI, Syria, Jun 30 (IPS) - Rudi Mohamed Amid gives his script one quick, last glance before he goes live. "Roj bas, Kurdistan (Good morning, Kurdistan)," he greets his audience, with the assuredness of a veteran journalist. However, hardly anyone at Ronahi, Syrian Kurds' first and only television channel, had any media experience before the war.

  6. OP-ED: U.S. Blames Victims of its own Failed Foreign Policies

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    MELBOURNE, Jun 30 (IPS) - The events unraveling in the Middle East have proved that the vaunted "Arab Spring" has turned into a searing summer of wildfires exploding unpredictably in diverse Islamic fronts without competent firemen to hose down the unmanageable conflagration.

  7. Trekking with Ethiopia’s Nomads, from Watering Holes to Pasture Lands, For a Better Life

    - Inter Press Service

    SOMALI REGION, Ethiopia, Jun 30 (IPS) - When he was a young boy, 20-year-old Abdi, who comes from a small pastoralist community in Ethiopia's Somali Region, "knew about school, reading and writing but did not expect this is something we would ever get close to."

  8. Plagued By Dengue Fever, Sri Lanka Looks to the Weatherman

    - Inter Press Service

    COLOMBO, Jun 30 (IPS) - What's the connection between weather forecasts and the mosquito-borne dengue virus? It's not just a question for science nerds; in Sri Lanka, health officials believe answering this question could save lives.

  9. Zambian Churches Slow to Use 'Considerable Socio-political Influence' to Fight for Climate Justice

    - Inter Press Service

    LUSAKA, Jun 29 (IPS) - It seems that churches in Zambia are becoming more pragmatic in their approach by advocating for better policies and training of vulnerable communities on climate change adaptation mechanisms.

  10. Women’s Political Representation Lagging in India

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW DELHI, Jun 29 (IPS) - National outrage over women's security in India – or the lack of it – is nothing new. From the gang rape of a young girl on a Delhi bus two years ago, to the recent rapes and lynching of two teenage cousins in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, gender-based violence has claimed headlines.

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