News headlines in December 2014, page 2

  1. Pakistan's “Other” Insurgents Face IS

    - Inter Press Service

    SARLAT MOUNTAINS, Afghanistan-Pakistan border, Dic 24 (IPS) - The media tend to portray Balochistan as "troubled", or "restive", but it would be more accurate to say that there´s actually a war going on in this part of the world.

  2. Diversity and Inclusion for Empowering People of Color

    - Inter Press Service

    BERLIN, Dic 23 (IPS) - A unique initiative – the Network Inclusion Leaders (NILE) project – has just held its second workshop here to set up a diversity and inclusion network for future leaders from among Germany's ‘people of color', or persons from different ‘non-white' cultural backgrounds.

  3. Falling Oil Prices Threaten Fragile African Economies

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dic 23 (IPS) - The sharp decline in world petroleum prices - hailed as a bonanza to millions of motorists in the United States - is threatening to undermine the fragile economies of several African countries dependent on oil for their sustained growth.

  4. Q&A: "The Economy Needs to Serve Us and Not the Other Way Around"

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    SEATTLE, Dic 23 (IPS) - Since his college days, John Schmitt says, he's been "very interested in questions of economic justice, economic inequality."

  5. Searching for Evidence of a Nuclear Test

    - Inter Press Service

    VIENNA, Dic 22 (IPS) - The most sophisticated on-site inspection exercise conducted to date by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) formally concluded this month.

  6. School Dropout Rate Soars for Afghan Refugees

    - Inter Press Service

    PESHAWAR, Dic 22 (IPS) - "Our children quitting school is the greatest pain we have suffered during our troublesome lives here," says Multan Shah, a vegetable-seller in a shantytown of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, one of Pakistan's four provinces.

  7. OPINION: Reflections on Corruption and Political Regeneration in Spain

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    MADRID, Dic 22 (IPS) - Political and institutional corruption has become the main concern of Spanish citizens after unemployment and the dramatic social consequences of the economic crisis, according to opinion polls.

  8. Reinstatement of Pakistan’s Death Penalty a Cynical Reaction, Says Amnesty

    - Inter Press Service

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Dic 21 (IPS) - As Pakistan lifts its moratorium on executions in response to this week's attack on a school in  Peshawar, human rights groups say that resuming the death penalty will not combat terrorism in Pakistan.

  9. Seeking Closure, Bougainville Confronts Ghosts of Civil War

    - Inter Press Service

    SYDNEY, Australia, Dic 21 (IPS) - Thirteen years after the peace agreement which ended a decade-long civil war in Bougainville, an autonomous island region of 300,000 people located east of the Papua New Guinean (PNG) mainland in the southwest Pacific Islands, trauma and grief continue to affect families and communities where the fate of the many missing remains unresolved.

  10. ‘Cyclone College’ Raises Hopes, Dreams of India’s Vulnerable Fisherfolk

    - Inter Press Service

    NEMMELI, India, Dic 20 (IPS) - Ten years have now passed, but Raghu Raja, a 27-year-old fisherman from the coastal village of Nemmeli in southern India's Kachipuram district, still clearly remembers the day he escaped the tsunami.

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