News headlines in February 2022, page 4

  1. Ukraine crisis: Terrified families seek shelter underground in capital

    - UN News

    Amid reported deadly missile attacks from Russia’s so-called “special military operation” in Ukraine, including the capital Kiev and other cities, terrified families have been forced to seek shelter underground, the UN said on Friday, adding that at least 100,000 people have likely been displaced by the violence. 

  2. Women building a sustainable future: the Kenyan engineer fighting for equality

    - UN News

    Norah Magero, a Mechanical Engineer and Renewable Energy Expert from Kenya, is helping communities adapt to the changing climate, in the face of gender discrimination.

  3. Pandemic Hit Domestic Workers Especially Hard in Brazil

    - Inter Press Service

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb 24 (IPS) - "Woman, poor, black and illiterate" - most domestic workers suffer quadruple discrimination in Brazil, which made them more vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic, says one of their leaders, Gloria Rejane Santos.

  4. Women's Voices Raised Against Hate in India

    - Inter Press Service

    Lucknow, Feb 24 (IPS) - More and more women from different walks of life and corners of the world are raising their voices against the treatment of minorities in India today.

  5. France violated rights of French children detained in Syrian camps

    - UN News

    France has violated the rights of French children detained for years in camps in northeast Syria by failing to repatriate them, the UN Child Rights Committee said in findings issued on Thursday. 

  6. ‘Political impasse’ hampering change and reform in Iraq

    - UN News

    Political leaders in Iraq must urgently overcome their divisions and work for the good of the people, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  7. Ukraine Crisis: Protecting civilians ‘Priority Number One’; Guterres releases $20M for humanitarian support

    - UN News

    Russian military operations inside the sovereign territory of Ukraine “on a scale that Europe has not seen in decades, conflict directly with the United Nations Charter,” Secretary-General António Guterres told journalists on Thursday.

  8. Senior UN official meets first person in US vaccinated against COVID

    - UN News

    The first American to be vaccinated against the COVID virus and a first-responder in New York City, Sandra Lindsay, met with Abdulla Shahid, President of the General Assembly.

  9. Decapitating Terrorist Organisations Won't End Terror

    - Inter Press Service

    AMMAN, Jordan, Feb 24 (IPS) - Killing terrorist organisations’ leaders is no effective way of fighting terrorism — as it’s political and economic crises on which terrorism feeds.

  10. UN condemns brutal killing of eight polio workers in Afghanistan

    - UN News

    The United Nations has condemned the killing of eight polio vaccination workers in four locations in northern Afghanistan on Thursday, the first such attacks since nationwide campaigns resumed last November. 

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