News headlines for “Rights of Indigenous People”

  1. Government Indifferent to Invasion of Drug Traffickers in the Peruvian Amazon

    - Inter Press Service

    LIMA, Jul 26 (IPS) - The invasion of lands inhabited by Amazon indigenous communities is growing in Peru, due to drug trafficking mafias that are expanding coca crops to produce and export cocaine, while deforestation and insecurity for the native populations and their advocates are increasing

  2. Kanak Ambition for Independence Is Defiant Following Political Turmoil in New Caledonia

    - Inter Press Service

    NOUMEA, New Caledonia, Jul 17 (IPS) - It's been 26 years since a peace agreement, the Noumea Accord, was signed following an outbreak of conflict in the 1980s between Kanak islanders and French armed forces in the French overseas territory of New Caledonia.

  3. How Climate-Smart Strategies Revitalized Tanzania's Livestock Sector

    - Inter Press Service

    IRINGA, Tanzania, Jul 16 (IPS) - In a quest for survival, farmers and pastoralists living in Oldonyo Sambu, Tanzania’s northern Maasai Steppe, used to fight over every drop of water. However, 12 villages have now adopted climate-smart bylaws after months of negotiations, putting an end to hostilities.As the sun sets, its golden hues piece through the dusty haze, creating a dazzling display when a herd of livestock lazily roams on the arid landscape as they return home from grazing.

  4. Justice, not Impunity, for Sexually Assaulted Indigenous Girls in Peru

    - Inter Press Service

    LIMA, Jul 08 (IPS) - The main fear facing women leaders who have denounced the systematic rape of girls from the Awajún indigenous people in the northeastern Peruvian department of Amazonas is that, despite the media coverage and sanctions announced by the authorities, it will all come to nothing.

  5. New Caledonia: Time to Talk about Decolonisation

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Jun 20 (IPS) - The violence that rocked New Caledonia last month has subsided. French President Emmanuel Macron has recently announced the suspension of changes to voting rights in the Pacific island nation, annexed by his country in 1853. His attempt to introduce these changes sparked weeks of violence.

  6. Land Grabs Squeeze Rural Poor Worldwide

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jun 17 (IPS) - Since 2008, farmland acquisitions have doubled prices worldwide, squeezing family farmers and other poor rural communities. Such land grabs are worsening inequality, poverty, and food insecurity.

  7. Democracy, Civic Space and Fundamental Freedoms Are under Attack, but Civil Society Is Here to Stay

    - Inter Press Service

    GABORONE, Botswana, May 23 (IPS) - Sarah Strack is Forus DirectorDuring the Forus network’s General Assembly which took place in Gaborone, Botswana, civil society organisations from across 65 countries highlighted the challenges facing them globally in an increasingly polarised and crisis-hit world.

  8. Ocean Action on Global Agenda as Negotiations to Save Biodiversity Deepen

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, May 15 (IPS) - The oceans are as fascinating as they are mysterious. Home to the largest animals to ever live on Earth and billions of the tiniest, the top 100 meters of the open oceans host the majority of sea life, such as fish, turtles, and marine mammals. But there is another world far below the surface. In the belly of the ocean, there are seamounts—underwater mountains that rise 1,000 meters or more from the seafloor.

  9. Biodiversity Masterplan: Negotiations on Crucial Science, Technology for Implementation Underway

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, May 13 (IPS) - The triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste are escalating. At the current pace, the world is on track to lose one quarter of all plant and animal species by 2030, with one species already dying out every 10 minutes. One million species face extinction. Human activity has already altered three-quarters of the land on Earth and two-thirds of the ocean.

  10. Working to Keep Náhuat, the Language of the Pipil People, from Vanishing in El Salvador

    - Inter Press Service

    NAHUIZALCO, El Salvador, May 06 (IPS) - A group of children participating in an immersion program in Náhuat, the language of the Pipil people and the only remaining pre-Hispanic language in El Salvador, are the last hope that the language will not die out.

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