News headlines for “Rights of Indigenous People”

  1. Another Nobel for Anglocentric Neoliberal Institutional Economics

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct 22 (IPS) - New institutional economics (NIE) has received another so-called Nobel prizeostensibly for again claiming that good institutions and democratic governance ensure growth, development, equity and democracy.

  2. Empowering Indigenous Communities: A Path to Sustainable and Just Development

    - Inter Press Service

    COLUMBUS, Ohio, USA, Oct 17 (IPS) - In a world where the fight for land rights often pits the powerful against the marginalized, Indigenous communities stand as resilient defenders of their ancestral lands.

  3. Higher Education Course Rescues Indigenous Guarani Culture in Argentina

    - Inter Press Service

    IGUAZU, Argentina, Oct 11 (IPS) - A few years ago, Bernardo Olivera moved to Posadas, the capital of the Argentinean province of Misiones, to study mathematics at the public university. Interested in numbers and keen to progress, he felt, however, that the education system put a barrier in his way because of his indigenous origin.

  4. ‘Australia Must Turn Its Climate Rhetoric into Action’

    - Inter Press Service

    Oct 01 (IPS) - CIVICUS discusses the recent Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) meeting in Tonga with Jacynta Fa'amau, Pacific Campaigner at, a global civil society organisation campaigning for climate action.

  5. Rural Survival: Guardians of Mother Earth Saving Mau, Revitalizing Native Lands

    - Inter Press Service

    GREAT RIFT VALLEY, Kenya, Sep 06 (IPS) - Between 2001 and 2022, the Mau Forest's deforestation resulted in the loss of about 533 square kilometers of tree cover. Now, a group of women, under the aegis of the Paran Women Group, are preparing to plant 100,000 saplings this rainy season in an effort to restore the forest.The Great Rift Valley is part of an intra-continental ridge system that runs through Kenya from north to south. A breathtaking, diverse mix of natural beauty that includes dramatic escarpments, highland mountains, cliffs and gorges, lakes and savannas. It is also home to one of Africa's greatest wildlife reserves—the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

  6. New Zealand: Māori Rights in the Firing Line

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Sep 02 (IPS) - A New Zealand bill that would roll back Indigenous rights is unlikely to pass – but it's emblematic of a growing climate of hostility from governing politicians. A recent survey shows that almost half of New Zealanders believe racial tensions have worsened under the right-wing government in power since December 2023.

  7. Various Uncertainties Block Indigenous Land Rights in Brazil

    - Inter Press Service

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 20 (IPS) - A never-ending battle threatens the indigenous rights that seemed clear and secure in Brazil, until the extreme right emerged in 2018 with a force challenging the civilisational advances set out in the Constitution.

  8. US Flails in GM Corn Dispute with Mexico

    - Inter Press Service

    CAMBRIDGE, MA., Aug 19 (IPS) - Closing arguments are in in the U.S. trade complaint against Mexico's restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn, with the three-arbitrator tribunal set to rule on the matter in November. The legitimacy of the trade agreement itself hangs in the balance.

  9. Indigenous Peoples -- An Antidote in a World of Crisis

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Aug 09 (IPS) - This year's Equator Prize winners are the antidote we need in a world of crisis. Earlier this year, the World Economic Forum released its annual Risk Report. The key findings highlighted the inescapable trend over the past decade that we are facing a global polycrisis, in which problems of biodiversity loss, climate change, inequality, water scarcity and conflict are increasingly indivisible, simultaneous, and systemic.

  10. ECUADOR: ‘We demand that the violation of the rights of nature be recognised and reversed’

    - Inter Press Service

    Aug 07 (IPS) - CIVICUS speaks with Darío Iza Pilaquinga, president of the Kitu Kara People of the Kichwa nationality of Ecuador, about a historic court ruling that applied a constitutional provision recognising the rights of nature.

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