News headlines for “G8: Too Much Power?”

  1. Eswatini: Jailing of Politicians the Latest Act of Repression

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Jul 26 (IPS) - Two politicians have just been sentenced to long prison terms in Eswatini. Their crime? Calling for democracy.

    Mthandeni Dube and Bacede Mabuza, both members of parliament (MP) at the time, were arrested in July 2021 for taking part in a wave of pro-democracy protests that swept the southern African country. A third MP, Mduduzi Simelane, remains subject to an arrest warrant after going into hiding.

  2. World Hepatitis Day: Celebrating Progress and Confronting Persistent Challenges

    - Inter Press Service

    Jul 25 (IPS) - July 28th is World Hepatitis Day, created to celebrate the life and work of Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Baruch Samuel Blumberg. Blumberg’s work contributed to the discovery of hepatitis B, and the development of a vaccine that could prevent infection with this infectious viral disease. These discoveries revolutionized the public health response in preventing the liver cancer that hepatitis B causes.

  3. Mental Health in West Africa: Overcoming Stigma and Enhancing Care

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Jul 24 (IPS) - Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 116 million people in the African region were living with mental health conditions. A large proportion of mental disorders is caused by depression and anxiety, and these conditions take a significant toll on health and wellbeing of people aged 15 to 59 years who are most affected.

  4. How African Governments Can Lead the Way on Ending Child Marriage

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 24 (IPS) - Thandi*a 14-year-old girl from Malawi, is both a child and a mother. After she and her siblings were orphaned, they were left in the care of their grandmother, who struggled to provide for them.

  5. African Diaspora To Drive Continent’s Development Ambitions

    - Inter Press Service

    BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe, Jul 24 (IPS) - As the African diaspora continues its growth, agencies are seeking ways to tap into this vast demographic to help with the continent's development.

  6. Southern African Drought: Extreme Hardship, Hopefully Only in the Short Term

    - Inter Press Service

    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Jul 23 (IPS) - Heading into the traditional dry period of winter in southern Africa, there was significant consternation due to the drastically below average rainfall the region has been experiencing since January 2024.

  7. Kenya’s Protests: More than a Question of Tax

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Jul 23 (IPS) - Kenya’s President William Ruto has withdrawn the tax-increasing Finance Bill that sparked mass protests. He has sacked his cabinet and the head of the police has resigned. But the anger many feel hasn’t gone away, and protests continue.

    The protests have brought Kenya’s Gen Z onto the political stage, with young people – over 65 per cent of the population – at the forefront. Since the protests began, they’ve made full use of social media to share views, explain the impact of proposed changes, organise protests and raise funds to help those injured or arrested.

  8. Can Scientific Freedom Deliver Development for Africa?

    - Inter Press Service

    ADDIS ABABA, Jul 18 (IPS) - Scientific research has led to social and economic gains worldwide, but the scientists who make it happen face significant challenges.

  9. How Access to US Market Changed Fortunes of two South African Sisters

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jul 16 (IPS) - What started as a pastime desire to sell crafts at local markets, deeply rooted in the South African culture, has since blossomed to become an international business entity for two local women.

  10. How Climate-Smart Strategies Revitalized Tanzania's Livestock Sector

    - Inter Press Service

    IRINGA, Tanzania, Jul 16 (IPS) - In a quest for survival, farmers and pastoralists living in Oldonyo Sambu, Tanzania’s northern Maasai Steppe, used to fight over every drop of water. However, 12 villages have now adopted climate-smart bylaws after months of negotiations, putting an end to hostilities.As the sun sets, its golden hues piece through the dusty haze, creating a dazzling display when a herd of livestock lazily roams on the arid landscape as they return home from grazing.

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