News headlines in August 2020

  1. Energy Cooperatives Swim Against the Tide in Mexico

    - Inter Press Service

    MEXICO CITY, Aug 31 (IPS) - A Mexican solar energy cooperative, Onergia, seeks to promote decent employment, apply technological knowledge and promote alternatives that are less polluting than fossil fuels, in one of the alternative initiatives with which Mexico is seeking to move towards an energy transition.

  2. Nepal Welcomes Qatar Labour Reform

    - Inter Press Service

    KATHMANDU, Aug 31 (IPS) - Even as Nepali workers stranded overseas face confusion and uncertainty during the Covid-19 crisis, labour reforms in Qatar – including an increase in the minimum wage announced in Doha on Sunday — may have lasting implications for migrants there.

  3. Powerplay in Paradise: Sino-Indian Tussle in the Maldives

    - Inter Press Service

    Aug 31 (IPS) - The Maldives is a picturesque country of merely 515,000 people located just beyond the southern tip of the South Asian land mass, in an idyllic Indian ocean setting. The nation is spread across 26 pretty atolls, comprising about 1192 islets, not all still inhabited. These are lapped by crystal blue waters containing flora and fauna of remarkable magnificence.

    Its scenic bounties attract droves of tourists who frolic in the sands, sun and the sea in salubrious languor. It has a thriving fishing, garment and tourism industry which have recently helped it graduate out of the United Nations list of Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

    It is so tiny that used to be said that the catch of a single large fish any day could cause a remarkable jump in its Gross National Product (GDP) numbers. It is not without reason that the archipelago has often been compared to a paradise.

  4. Neo Colonialism vs. Sovereignty in Sri Lanka

    - Inter Press Service

    COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Aug 31 (IPS) - On August 5, 2020, a new government was elected in Sri Lanka, bringing down the previous regime associated with the Central Bank bond scam, the Easter Sunday bomb attacks and controversial international agreements.

  5. Fridays for Future: how the young climate movement has grown since Greta Thunberg's lone protest

    - Inter Press Service

    Aug 31 (IPS) - At the end of her first week on strike in August 2018, Greta Thunberg handed out flyers that said: "You grownups don't give a shit about my future." Her appearance at the 2019 UN Climate Summit capped a year in the spotlight for the teenage climate activist. Delegates at the summit gave her a standing ovation, but the sound of their applause couldn't mask Greta Thunberg's deep frustration.

  6. Racism at the UN: Practice What You Preach

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Aug 31 (IPS) - When two recent staff surveys, one in Geneva and the other in New York, revealed widespread racism at the United Nations, it triggered the obvious question: why shouldn't the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) probe these charges?

  7. It is Time for a Democratic Global Revolution

    - Inter Press Service

    BERLIN / BERNE, Aug 28 (IPS) - The people of the world need to seize the moment and bring about a democratic global revolution. It is time for a global parliament and real representation.

    More than 21 million people got infected with the novel coronavirus and over 770,000 have died. Never before did the world witness similar collective lockdowns of social and economic activity that had to be enforced to contain the pandemic.

  8. Madagascar - Jails Hold more Pre-trial Prisoners than Convicted Criminals

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Aug 28 (IPS) - The recent killing of 22 prisoners in Madagascar during a prison escape on Sunday, Aug. 23 has brought the extraordinary situation of the country's prisons under a spotlight. Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has condemned the killings, criticising the current judicial system that has led to Madagascar's prisons holding more people awaiting trial than convicted criminals.

  9. Looking Back to Look Forward: What Does the Next Normal Look Like?

    - Inter Press Service

    PRETORIA, Aug 28 (IPS) - In the last 100 years there have been seven crises that have had a truly global impact. Two global wars (1914-18 & 1939-1945); two global health pandemics, the Spanish Flu (1918) and HIV/AIDS (1980s onwards); one major political crisis (1989 – the end of the cold war); and two financial crises (1929 and 2008).

  10. Semiarid Regions of Latin America Cooperate to Adapt to Climate

    - Inter Press Service

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 27 (IPS) - After centuries of poverty, marginalisation from national development policies and a lack of support for positive local practices and projects, the semiarid regions of Latin America are preparing to forge their own agricultural paths by sharing knowledge, in a new and unprecedented initiative.

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