News headlines in September 2020

  1. To Achieve Gender Equality Within, the UN Must Do More to Tackle Sexual Harassment

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Sep 30 (IPS) - In September 2017, Secretary-General António Guterres launched the "System-wide strategy on gender parity", which set the goal of reaching gender parity within the United Nations by 2028 and outlined a strategy on how to achieve this, including the introduction of special measures, senior appointments, targets and accountability, amongst other things.

  2. India: Are the Farm Ordinances Against Farmers’ Interests?

    - Inter Press Service

    ANDHRA PRADESH, India / WASHINGTON D.C., Sep 30 (IPS) - Farm policy in India is in its own conundrum. If you ask, "what are the major challenges for increasing farmer income?", any farmer in India would tell us that it is the low remunerative prices for their produces and he or she will add that most of the market margins goes to the middlemen.

  3. To Achieve Progress on Gender Equality, Gender Data Must Be at the Forefront

    - Inter Press Service

    Sep 30 (IPS) - New research reveals significant gender data gaps in the Latin America and Caribbean region.In 1995, world leaders gathered in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women and adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. This marked a significant turning point for the global agenda for gender equality. This week, a high-level event will take place as part of the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate the meeting's 25th anniversary. However, despite ambitious commitments to gender equality, nearly 25 years later, progress still lags far behind.

  4. A 10-Year-Old Commitment to Biodiversity Misses Virtually All of its Targets

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    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 30 (IPS) - The coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of over one million people worldwide and destabilized the global economy, also upended the UN's ambitious socio-economic goals, including the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger by 2030.

  5. From Pledges to Policy and Practice: Moving Nature to the Heart of Decision-Making

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    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    BOGOTA, Colombia, Sep 30 (IPS) - This week, Heads of State and Government from 64 countries announced one of the strongest pledges yet to reverse the loss of biodiversity and nature's contributions to people by 2030. Advancing from powerful pledges to concrete policy and action, however, means that nature must be moved to the heart of global, national and local decision-making. It's time for nature to be reintegrated into everything we do.

  6. Community Hydropower Dam Illuminates Life in Salvadoran Villages

    - Inter Press Service

    CAROLINA, El Salvador, Sep 30 (IPS) - Ermelinda Lobos's life has improved substantially since she and the rest of the people in her small village, hidden in the mountains of northeastern El Salvador, worked hard to build a mini hydroelectric plant and become self-sufficient in energy.

  7. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Elects Former Revolutionary Leader as President ahead of Tough Talks on Independence

    - Inter Press Service

    CANBERRA, Australia, Sep 29 (IPS) - Ishmael Toroama, a former revolutionary leader and fighter during the decade long civil war which engulfed the remote islands of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the 1990s, has been elected the autonomous region's new President ahead of high-level talks about its political future.

  8. Less Food Loss and Waste, More Right to Food

    - Inter Press Service

    MADRID, Sep 29 (IPS) - Most cultures have created taboos and norms that prevent food waste. At the same time, social mores have reserved for occasions of celebrations or hospitality a code associating the abundance of food, in quantities much higher than normal, with concepts such as generosity and honour. 

  9. Staff to UN Management: Please Drop Your Plans for Uber-Style Contracts

    - Inter Press Service

    GENEVA, Sep 29 (IPS) - As the United Nations prepares to celebrate its 75th anniversary we have been made aware of an extremely worrying development concerning the future of UN staff contracts.

  10. Shareholder Capitalism’s Ugly Legacy

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sep 29 (IPS) - Milton Friedman's libertarian economics advocating shareholder capitalism has influenced generations trying to understand the economy, not only in the US, but all over the world.

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