News headlines in September 2020, page 2

  1. 30th anniversary of World Summit for Children - Today Children Need a New Initiative

    - Inter Press Service

    BRIGHTON, United Kingdom, Sep 28 (IPS) - On the eve of the UN's 75th anniversary, Antonio Guterres, the UN's Secretary-General has declared that the coronavirus pandemic is the world's top security threat. He has called for action - for greater international co-operation in controlling outbreaks and developing an affordable vaccine, available to all. Such action is needed and possible -even in the absence of a large gathering of world leaders in New York to celebrate the anniversary.  But children today in every country need more.

  2. Congolese 'Kings' of Art on Exhibition in Paris

    - Inter Press Service

    PARIS, Sep 28 (IPS) - Chéri Samba has a sly sense of humour, both in person and in his work. Standing in front of his 2018 painting "J'aime le jeu de relais" (I Love the Relays) - which criticizes politicians who cling to power instead of passing the baton - Samba is asked about the resemblance of one of his subjects to a famous statesman.

  3. How to Make Nutritious Food Affordable for the 1 Billion Africans

    - Inter Press Service

    ADDIS ABABA, Sep 28 (IPS) - One of the biggest revelations of the COVID-19 pandemic has been that people with pre-existing, diet-related conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, are more at risk of suffering severe forms of the disease leading to a need for intensive hospitalization.

  4. Q&A: How Fast Fashion Sits at the Crucial Intersection of Environmental & Gender Justice

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 28 (IPS) - Racism "keeps the global north oblivious to the effect of fast fashion addiction on the global south" say environmental and gender justice experts.

  5. Judgment Free Online Platform Key to Helping Suicidal People, Says Survivor

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Sep 28 (IPS) - Romana Hoque had it all, a comfortable life, a happy family. Despite this, the 43-year-old second-generation immigrant from Indonesia living in the United States was depressed enough to contemplate suicide.

  6. No More Excuses – Time for Global Economic Solutions

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Sep 28 (IPS) - On 29 September, the world's heads of state will come together (virtually) at an extraordinary meeting to discuss financing for development during the 75th UN general assembly. This will be crucial in the battle to address the Coronavirus crisis.

  7. Intercontinental Energy Forum to Discuss Post-Covid Challenges

    - Inter Press Service

    MEXICO CITY, Sep 25 (IPS) - The economic recovery after the covid-19 pandemic, renewable energy, the gas situation, regulations and investment; mobility and transport, as well as new technologies and the progress of the Paris Agreement will be discussed at the Madrid Energy Conference from 28 September to 2 October.

  8. Peace in the Middle East

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    ROME, Sep 25 (IPS) - The creation of a Palestinian State remains a pipe-dream

    After the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI, The League of Nations mandated that Britain administer Palestine. The London administration was quite ineffective, in part, due to the contradictory promises which were made to the Arabs, to the Zionists and to France, the other colonial power which divided the territory with Britain.

  9. ‘Leave No one Behind’: How Inclusive is World Leaders’ Call to Climate Action?

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 25 (IPS) - Wrapping up Climate Week at the United Nations General Assembly, global leaders called for climate action that may be "ambitious but achievable" and called for climate measures that would "leave no one behind". But some climate activists remain concerned about how this can be achieved.

  10. #TurnItAround: One Week to Mobilize for the Future

    - Inter Press Service

    PARIS, Sep 25 (IPS) - The year 2020 will most certainly mark a critical moment for the planet and future mobilizations. In a society shaken by Covid-19, people are gathering, regrouping and acting collectively for a sustainable world, an egalitarian future, and for global awareness on the climate emergency.

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