News headlines for “Arms Trade—a major cause of suffering”, page 30

  1. UPDATING LIVE: Security Council passes resolution demanding 'an immediate ceasefire' during Ramadan

    - UN News

    The UN Security Council on Monday passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, the immediate and unconditional release of hostages and "the urgent need to expand the flow" of aid into Gaza. There were 14 votes in favour with the United States abstaining. Follow live coverage here.

  2. 'We must push for lasting peace in Gaza,' UN chief insists as starvation threat nears

    - UN News

    With “starvation bearing down” on Gaza, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday repeated his call for a sustainable end to the conflict and the release of all remaining hostages amid “unprecedented and ongoing devastation” in the occupied enclave.

  3. Written in Memory of Alexei Navalny and Osip Mandelstam

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Mar 22 (IPS) - The devastation of Ukraine and Gaza might seem to be beyond belief. Let us thus turn to fairy tales to find descriptions of the stony indifference of warlords.

  4. UN condemns deadly attacks in Moscow

    - UN News

    The UN chief condemned in the strongest possible terms Friday’s deadly terrorist attack at a concert hall outside Moscow.

  5. UN officials outraged at Russian strikes on Ukraine’s energy plants

    - UN News

    Top UN officials and agencies on the ground in Ukraine on Friday condemned overnight large-scale coordinated Russian strikes on energy plants across the country that killed at least five people and left 1.5 million without electricity.

  6. World News in Brief: Sex trafficking and child recruitment in Sudan, new mass grave in Libya, children at risk in DR Congo

    - UN News

    Independent UN human rights experts on Friday expressed alarm over increased reports of sexual slavery and trafficking in Sudan, especially of women and girls.

  7. How is the UN supporting Haiti’s struggle to overcome violence and instability?

    - UN News

    Haiti is in the grip of widespread gang violence, the country’s institutions are on the verge of collapse and its citizens are facing a daily fight for survival. Yet, in the midst of this catastrophic security and humanitarian crisis, the UN continues to provide critical assistance to the beleaguered population.

  8. Gaza: UN aid team reaches stricken north, confirms ‘shocking’ disease and hunger

    - UN News

    Amid reports of ongoing bombardment across Gaza on Friday, UN humanitarians highlighted “shocking levels of disease and hunger” after visiting an overwhelmed hospital in the north of the enclave.

  9. UPDATING LIVE: Russia and China veto US resolution stating imperative of ‘immediate and sustained ceasefire’ in Gaza

    - UN News

    A draft resolution from the United States was vetoed in the UN Security Council on Friday by Russia and China. The draft stated the "imperative" for “an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides”, facilitating “essential” aid delivery and supporting ongoing talks between Israel and Hamas militants to create a sustainable end to the hostilities, tied to the release of all hostages. Follow the full story here live.

  10. Armed groups continue terror campaign across Burkina Faso

    - UN News

    Large parts of Burkina Faso are being terrorized by armed groups and the rampant insecurity is “beyond alarming”, said the UN human rights chief on Thursday following a brief visit to the country.

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