News headlines in May 2019, page 3

  1. The UN Has Failed Civilians

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, May 24 (IPS) - Despite the United Nations Security Council's task of protecting civilians, millions around the world are still being displaced and killed with little to no accountability for perpetrators.

  2. Women & Youth Remain Politically Underrepresented in Africa's Most Populous Nation

    - Inter Press Service

    ABUJA, Nigeria, May 23 (IPS) - Ulrich Thum is the Resident Representative of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung office in Abuja, Nigeria. He has previously worked as a program coordinator for the GIZ Civil Peace Service program in Zimbabwe and as a peace worker for AGEH in South Sudan and Nigeria.

    Lena Noumi holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science and is currently studying International Relations and Development Policy at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

    Two months after the general elections in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, things are back to normal. The incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari, a 76-year-old general and former military Head of State, clearly defeated his challengers.

  3. The Contribution of Humanitarian Action to Peace

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM, May 22 (IPS) - Peter Maurer in President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)*

    The connection of humanitarian action to broader objectives like peace, development and human rights is understandably complex, but it is also an area in which some fresh thinking is important.

  4. Preventing Antibiotic Resistance: Look to the Livestock Industry

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, May 21 (IPS) - Antimicrobial resistance is quickly becoming a global crisis and risks reversing a century of progress in health. Some organisations have already geared up and are tackling the issue from its roots.

  5. Public-Private Partnerships Fad Fails

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, May 21 (IPS) - After the failure and abuses of privatization became apparent, public-private partnerships have since been promoted ostensibly to mobilize private finance for the public purpose. In all too many cases, PPPs have socialized costs and losses while ensuring private financial gains.After the failure and abuses of privatization and contracting-out services from the 1980s, there has been renewed appreciation for the role of the state or government. Earlier promoters of privatization have taken a step backward, only to take two more forward to instead promote public-private partnerships (PPPs).

  6. Partnerships to Promote Equality for LGBTI People

    - Inter Press Service

    SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, May 21 (IPS) - Inka Mattila is Resident Representative, UNDP, Dominican Republic

    As states and civil society organizations are increasingly acting to address stigma, discrimination and human rights violations targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people, dialogues and alliances jointly tackle these challenges.

  7. Does God Hate Women? A Bangladeshi Murder Case

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM / ROME, May 20 (IPS) - On 6 April, nineteen-year-old Nusrat Jahan Rafi was by a fellow student brought to the roof of their school. She told Nusrat that a friend of hers was beaten up there. Unknown to Nusrat, Moni who was four months pregnant at the time, had earlier bought burqas and gloves for three of the men who were awaiting them on the roof. Another girl, Umma, was already there beckoning Nusrat to come up. However, when Nusrat entered the roof Umma threw her down and tied her legs. The burqa-dressed men surrounded the defenseless Nusrat, demanding her to withdraw accusations of sexual harassment against the schools´headmaster. When Nusrat refused to give in, one of the men held her head down, while another poured kerosene over her and set her on fire.

  8. Cyclones and Struggling Economy Could Impact Mozambique’s Elections

    - Inter Press Service

    MAPUTO, May 20 (IPS) - Mozambique, which was affected by an unprecedented two tropical cyclones over a matter of weeks, is still reeling from the impact a month after the latest disaster. But resultant devastation caused by the cyclones could impact the country's elections as concerns are raised over whether the southern African nation can properly hold the ballot scheduled for later this year.

  9. Putting Water at the Heart of Sustainable Fashion

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, May 20 (IPS) - Lisa Greenlee is Director of Strategic Partnerships, WaterAid.

    The Copenhagen Fashion Summit celebrated its tenth anniversary last week. The summit, which is often referred to as the Davos of fashion, is a key date in the fashion diary for those businesses with a pioneering vision to highlight issues and create solutions for a more sustainable industry.

  10. Long Life to Their Majesties, The Bees!

    - Inter Press Service

    MADRID, May 20 (IPS) - Amazingly organised social communities, bees ensure food chain. ‘Bee' grateful to them… at least in their Wold Day!

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